Counseling Center » Alternatives



Running Start students must have junior status in order to attend Centralia College Classes as part of their high school education. As a junior or senior, you can earn credits toward high school graduation at CHS and an Associate of Arts degree. The counseling team will help you with the application process to Running Start.
Several Steps and informational points are important to keep in mind to attend Running Start...
  • Talk to your family to see if it is a right and good academic choice for you.
  • During CHS conferences in spring, talk this over with your advisor and if needed, counselor.  
  • Decide if full time or part time Running Start is best for you, based on your academic, social and school needs.
  • Obtain a Running Start Enrollment Packet from the counseling center, and consult with your school counselor about processes.
    • Complete all items in the packet as soon as possible after your conference, and before the end of April.
  • Seek a consult or meeting with your school counselor and parent if you have any questions.
  • Remember, one part of your Running Start Packet is returned to your counselor, the other part to Centralia College.
  • Mrs. Tina Christenson and your CHS counselor can help you send your test scores (if available) and transcripts to Centralia College. If your test scores are not available, you will need to complete the Accuplacer or follow Running start's entrance requirements
  • Following the steps of the Running Start directions, call and locate the testing, advising, and required parent meeting for Running Start Advising.
    • Advising is in the TAC building second floor, parent meetings are as listed in the Walton Science Center, testing is in the Kirk Library.
    • See Map of Centralia College PDF below for locations: 
For the process and FAQ's see the Centralia College Running Start web page
Please view this power point for important Running Start information:
This presentation includes getting ready for Running Start, credit equivalencies and more. 
If you would like to stay informed about CHS happenings while at Running Start, please check your Centralia High School @centraliaschools email.
OSPI has given us Running Start rules and regulations for standard operating procedures. See their Course-Based Dual Credit web site for more info.

NEW MARKET Vocational Skills Center

NMVSC is an open enrollment program located in Tumwater which offers specialized service for skills based technical education. Some examples include culinary, beauty college, IT, Vet Tech, Automotive, and more.  Many students enjoy this program designed for juniors and seniors.
See your CHS counselor for details and application to NMVSC.


If a student needs an alternative setting for education, they may be eligible for an alternative school program. Centralia School District's FUTURUS High School offers a small family like environment, and individualized instruction by super qualified teachers.
FUTURUS High School is an open enrollment program with a self-paced learning environment. It is located at 906 Johnson Road, Centralia, WA and has regular school business hours.
For a quick tour or questions, call Allison Hillstrom at FHS (360) 827-6430 [email protected]
View web page information here: Futurus High School