Counseling Center » Enrollment at CHS

Enrollment at CHS

Please call the Counseling Center at 360-330-7609 and talk to Tina Christenson, registrar, for all enrollment information and frequently asked questions.

Enrollment takes place exclusively on the New Student Online Enrollment

Prior to enrollment, students are required to provide:
  • An unofficial transcript from the former school if your student is grade 10-12 (not required for students beginning grade 9).
  • A withdrawal form indicating the last school, date, grades, and schedule.
  • A local Centralia School District living address.
  • A parent or guardian to help with the enrollment process.
  • Immunization records (complete and up to date).

Forms you will need (if unable to complete via Skyward):

fillable PDFs-Open file, type your information,
save to your device, then attach in an email to Mrs. Christenson:
The following are helpful, but not required:
  • A student cumulative portfolio (this is helpful because CHS students are required to complete a cumulative portfolio prior to graduation).
  • If participating in athletics, a fee and a completed medical form. Check with the athletics office.
Once the student is approved for enrollment, the student will visit the corresponding counselor, plan a course of study, choose classes, and participate in a welcoming tour.
Students will speak with Ms. Mikaela Gronseth A-G, Ms. Margie Bannan Gen-N, and Mrs. Rose Waterfield  O-Z
  • If transportation is necessary, please call 360-330-7628 to arrange bus service.
  • Free and reduced lunch forms are available in the counseling center. Income qualification guidelines are included in the form. If you qualify, please enroll in the free lunch program.
  • Students will be required to know and understand their rights and responsibilities as listed in the student handbook. This includes dress codes, appeals, calendars of school activities, and much more
  • Lockers, pictures, ASB Cards, and classroom needs can be procured as soon as the student is enrolled. Begin classes with a notebook, dividers, pens & pencils, and a science notebook. Some classes require fees.
  • We offer many alternatives to a traditional high school setting including Futurus (alternative high school setting) and others. Please speak with your counselor regarding these educational options.
  • Special Needs and Circumstances:  If your student has an individualized education plan (IEP), has been in honors, advanced placement, gifted or advanced course work, English Language Learning, or has any other need, please indicate this at the time of enrollment, and we will provide you with the proper advice, which may include requesting more documentation
  • If you and your student need interpretive language help, please contact the counseling center 360-330-7609 and we can provide services
  • Students residing outside of the Centralia School District require district transfer paperwork from the sending district, must be signed and approved by the Centralia School District and have completed an approval process. Once the approval process is complete, the student will enroll with the normal enrollment procedures.

CSD Service



Transcript, New student Online Enrollment Packet, FAQ's
Tina Christenson, Registrar

Counseling Fax   360-807-2853
FAQ Graduation Requirements Each Specific Counselor See Table Below
Transportation 360-330-7628
Food Services
David Weaver
Futurus High School/ CVA James Bowers 360-827-6430360-736-1915 fax
Mikaela Gronseth, 
360-827-6309 direct
Rose Waterfield,
360-827-6121 direct
Margie Bannan
360-827-6275 direct
IEP or Special Education Services  IEP Support   360-330-7600
CSD McKinney Vento Liason
Natasha Babka, 
Fees & Payments
Stasia Habersetzer, 
Athletic Eligibility Questions
Athletic director, Tim Ahern